Cycling distance target for 2021 - Mid Oct update


It's not looking good

My last cycling update for year 2021 was way back in January. Fresh from hitting my cycling distance target from the year before, I was on a roll, racking up high mileage in January. Then, Covid struck us hard, lagi sekali. Since then, I was stuck in a state of limbo, a non stop cycle of starting cycling, and then stopping, starting and stopping again, and again, and again (well, you get the drift).

Fast forward to October, I currently accumulated a total of 2,872km. I'm currently short by 1,128km to hit that 4,000km target. It's not looking good.

Let's do a quick math.

I have another 76 days before we celebrate new year. To reach 1,128km in 76 days, I need to cycle roughly 15km per DAY! That is roughly 105km per WEEK! Holy c***! Dekat mana nak cari masa ni?

Well, I will surely give it a try.

Stay tune for further update.


Sejak tahun sudah, dah banyak kali tayar basikal aku ni pancit during rides. Ada time tu stranded jauh dari rumah sebab aku memang tak pernah bawa spare tayar. Jadi terpaksa call wife untuk rescue. Kalau wife kerja, GRAB la yg aku call. Ada kekadang tu bernasib baik, pancit 2 ke 3km dari rumah. Jadi boleh tolak jer sampai ke rumah.

Aku baru tersedar sebenarnya yang tayar aku guna tu dah aku belasah lebih 4,000km. Stock tyre yang aku dapat bila beli basikal ni pada bulan December 2019. Tak sampai 2 tahun aku own basikal ni, mileage dah lebih 4,000km. Actually dah nak sampai 5,000km pun. Jadi tak hairan la, banyak masalah pancit. Dah makin menipis getahnya. Kat bawah ni mileage kesemua basikal aku. Yang problematic kerap pancit tu si Emily.

Jadi, aku decided tukar jer tyre. Dari Maxxis Detonator 700x28c kepada Maxxis Re-Fuse 700x25c. Maxxis Re-Fuse memang designed to prevent from getting a flat tyre. Bila aku check Re-Fuse ni, memang getahnya tebal, harapnya susah la nak tembus.

Aku risau jugak sebab aku moving away from 28c to 25c tyres. 25c tak selebar 28c dan air pressure setting lagi tinggi. Takut tak comfortable during rides, sebab tayar kurang absorb all the bumps and harshness. Setakat ni masih ok, tak terasa sangat "kerasnya". Kalau tak tahan, aku plan tukar balik ke 28c punya tayar.

That's all folks. Thank you for stopping by this blog. Stay safe semua. 
