Cycling distance target for 2021 - January update


My cycling endeavor in 2021 began on the first day of the year at my home town of Alor Setar. Dah lama kami sekeluarga tak balik ke kampung. Our last trip back to Alor Setar was during Raya Haji, at the end of July last year. Rindu family kat Alor Setar sana tu. Tapi, memang risau nak balik ke kampung ketika Covid-19 cases tinggi memandangkan parents dah berumur. Memang berhati-hati, takut terbawa balik penyakit yang satu ni. Alhamdulillah, our trip back to Alor Setar went well. No Covid-19 scare, syukur sangat.

Time balik ke kampung tu, saya bawa balik sekali my Dahon Vigor D9 (Emma) foldie. Niatnya nak tinggalkan terus Dahon tu di kampung supaya senang nak cycling kalau balik ke sana. Seronok sebenarnya bila dapat cycling di kampung sendiri. Dapat pergi ke tempat-tempat yang selalu saya pergi when I was young. Hobi cycling ni bukan baru, memang dari kecik lagi dah minat cycling. Ingat lagi dulu time kecik selalu kayuh my dad's bicycle keliling taman. Rasa seronok, rasa bebas. That feeling of wind blowing in your face was simply magical. When my dad bought me a Haro Master BMX, I went bonkers. Seronok giler. Ke sana, ke sini saya kayuh Haro Master tu. Ke stadium tengok bola pun kayuh basikal. Blissed.

I covered pretty decent distance on those 3 days at Alor Setar. Exploring routes yang dulu teringin nak pergi and also went to those familiar ones. Kayuh santai, I was not in a hurry. Bukan berlumba pun. Just taking my time to enjoy it all. 

Pertengahan bulan January sudah, almost the whole country went into another lockdown. Ingatkan dah tak boleh kayuh just like when we went into the first MCO/PKP. Tapi alhamdulillah, cycling masih boleh diteruskan albeit only for solo rides. Berkumpulan tak boleh, which makes perfect sense. Other syarat were rides must be within 10km radius from individual home and tak boleh rentas daerah. Jadi sibuk la saya check in google maps untuk pastikan sampai area mana saya boleh berkayuh. Siap snap shot those areas and simpan dalam phone, in case kalau kena tahan dengan polis senang la nak menjawab nanti. A few of my normal routes dah tak boleh lalu. End up kena cari new routes untuk make sure masih dalam daerah dan masih dalam 10km radius tu. Disebabkan syarat tu la saya dapat explore a couple of new routes. Jalan kampung, sunyi, sejuk dan viewnya masyaallah cantik. Tak pernah terpikir pun nak lalu those routes before. Bila ada kekangan baru nak lalu. Rugi. Well...better late than never.

Back to the cycling distance update. Throughout the month of January I covered 603 km. Not bad, but honestly I do know that I cannot sustain that kind of distance every month. 350km to 400km per month is much more realistic. Terlebih rajin agaknya time tu. But the 4,000km yang saya target untuk tahun ni masih jauh, so every km counts.

So that's all folks. Thank you for dropping by this blog. Stay safe.
