Now I see

Now I see

Staring at the shadow, see a man in a hurry

Weight of life, he has to carry

 Rivers streaming down his cheek

Wondering how, he'll ever find relief

The shadow, stepping on thorns that are laid for him

Oh hell the pain on all his limbs

Keep on walking, foolishly I see

Shoulder down, incapable to disagree

 Light to dark, cowering he stays

Seeds he planted, will he see them each day?

To a crossroad, he runs

His options are now closed, is it all undone?

He whispers to me...

The damage is done, now I see

The damage is done, now I see

Light he seeks

Stumble in blind, hurt himself and weeps

Trust the spark, trust the spark

Pluck a rose, way off the mark

Stepping on thorns that are laid for him

Oh hell the pain on all his limbs

Keep on walking, foolishly I see

Shoulder down, incapable to disagree

Coming to blows

What is the point, if only that for show?

He whispers to me...

The damage is done, now I see

The damage is done, now I see

Written by: Raziff Yahaya

Date: 18/11/2020

Time: 11:33pm
