Hong Kong's A Symphony of Light

1. I had the opportunity to travel to Hong Kong back in December. 9th Dec 2012 to be exact. It was for a business trip. Able to spend two days there. Not consecutive days though, because in between, I need to be at Dongguan, China.

2. I was able to attend the "A Symphony of Light" show on one of my night there. The show will start at 8pm everyday....weather permitting. The show will last for 10 minutes....and it is FREE!

3. To get a good view, I took the Star Ferry across Victoria Harbour to Tsim Sha Tsui waterfront. Better be there early, else the best spots will be taken...lots of tourists and locals were waiting for the show. I arrived at 7pm, so able to pick a good spot for the show.

4. My take on the light show.....hmmmm....for something that cost 44 million HK dollars, the show itself was flat. There was nothing more than a couple of lasers (placed on building's rooftops) shooting across the sky and lights "dancing" on the buildings' walls. By the end of the 10 minutes, I thought to myself "was that it?". Well maybe that just me. On second thought, I remembered that none of the spectators were clapping or making a "ooohhh" "aaahhh" sounds. They were quietly dispersing after the show. So, if you happen to be in Hong Kong and decide to miss the show, I will say that it is ok.


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