The first step...

1. I meant to start a blog many moons ago. But, being a family guy somewhat limits my time to blog. Family will always come first.

2. Main reason for me to start this blog is to share pictures that I took every now and then. No specific areas, no specific subject, no specific scope...just random pictures. Pictures that interest me.

3. I’m not saying my pictures are any good...I’m not a professional photographer in any way...and not trying to be one. I believe it is an extremely expensive hobby!!...well, some might disagree with my statement there, but here in Malaysia, I consider RM2.5k on a decent DSLR is expensive....not to mention the add ons, lenses especially which cost an arm and a leg....and the thought of my wife scolding me for spending RM2.5k on a camera is enough as a deterrent...hahaha..just joking! I love you Yang..heheh...bodek sikit :).

4. I always carries with me my iPhone 3GS..that will be one of the main sources for my pictures.

5. The other source will be from my more than 5 years old Sony DSC H50. I love that camera..very light, not too bulky and reliable.

6. So expect minimal write up and plenty of pictures in this blog. I will let the pictures do all the talking. Well, that is how I imagine it to be. We shall see......

7. First pic to share...Took this pictures in December 2012. It looks like a mushroom-shaped cloud after an atomic blast. I took this picture while exiting Gurney Plaza (it is a sea front shopping mall near Tanjung Bungah, Penang). It was 20 to 30 minutes away from sunset. I thought that it was simply mesmerizing.


  1. it's never too late to start something new... Blogging pun cara yg baik utk hilangkan stress dan dapat ilmu baru..

    1. Yup agree...hopefully tak get addicted...ini pun curi-curi masa....


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