Gold at the end of the rainbow

1. It was 20/12/2012. I was travelling on the Penang Coastal Highway when I spotted that rainbow.

2. At first glance, I thought that it was just a typical rainbow. Only on my second glance that I noticed that I’m able to see where it ends!!

3. That was the first time I spotted one...after 35 years of existence on this beautiful world.

4. Wish there was actual gold at the end of it. I will be filthy rich by now!!! Hmmm, maybe there was under the water....

5. The island in the background is Pulau Jerejak. Seems near huh....

6. Yang tak bestnya, I was alone in the car. Anak-anak sure seronok kalau dapat tengok jugak. Apa boleh buat..

7. ...last time I checked, jari masih tak kudung...hhehehheh.
